Week 9 Part B: Using Categories

For this activity, my Instagram account and Facebook account are not connected, since the Instagram is not our business account yet. It is actually a professional page for a persona, who is an athlete and will be beneficial to grow his account and visibility in order to get more clients, once he will be the head coach of the gym.

We created two posts that we see that has a lot of response from the users, which are reels focused on showing positions/techniques that worked in previous competitions that Gabriel fought. 

The idea was to start the reel with short video showing when/how the technique was used and then the rest of the video shows how to do that from different angles. This type of reels seems to be attractive and we are posting one every Monday. I found that using hashtags also increased the amount of views of the reels as well. 

About the categories that would be beneficial for our business, I believe that if we created a blog/podcast it would be interesting to stay in the topics related not only to jiu jitsu but to also about health, exercise, nutrition, motivational speech, mental health. There are so many categories that can be incorporated in the world of sports. Being healthy has a whole range of perceptions and is particular for everyone. Thinking that our target audience are students and also athletes that are physically active, there are a range of topics that could be discussed. Healthy tips incorporated in routines, how our coaches stay motivated, what exercises do to our body and brain, how training jiu jitsu changed people's lives, why to train, how is a day at the gym... Fitness is a large niche so I can think about many topics that could attract our audience attention. 

I think that this could help the business grow because we could get in touch with the audience beyond the posts on Instagram and Facebook, sharing about who we are and what do we think about relevant topics. This also can create the feeling of connection from the audience to us once we are showing a personal side from us as well, not only pictures and captions. 

Like discussed in the previous activity, blogs/vlogs/webinar are tools were emotions can be inserted in the speech we reproduce and in the interpretation of the receiver. Because of that, this proximity from the business to the client/audience can be established and this can also create a loyal audience that is interested on your content, beside your product. 


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