Week 17: Wrapping It Up

This school semester I decided to expand my knowledge about social media and how to manage it to my business. 

With this class I think I could achieve a better understanding about how social media can be beneficial for my success, and also other I have a bigger range of options that I didn’t consider before on the online world,  like LinkedIn for example. 

My use of social media is more focused and planned, rather than shooting everywhere, finding my targets and the apps that works better for me were crucial to develop a strategy to meet my goals.

For this class my business was not available to launch yet, but the trial I did with the posts and research definitely brought me clarity on the path I should take on the virtual world. 

Social media was always a tool for fun and social interaction for me, rather than a work tool. This view changed, since we need to adapt to the new reality that social media is taking a huge role on business relations. Before I would find social media quite overwhelming, but knowing new tools to help me navigate on it will make this process more smooth. Also, it is fun to try it out new things and see the results, and based on them I can change my strategy on social media, like a puzzle where you try to find the right pieces that would work for your final project. The journey on social media sounds exciting. 

Thank you Professor Claudia for this class! 

Hope to see everyone around! 

Larissa Bignotto 


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